segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2012

Blackpoll Warbler and Peregrine Falcon

While stil big quantities of waders stay around on the Island the other live stil goes on.Yesterday whit a group eaded by Dominic Mitchel we found the first Blue winged teal of the year together whit a juvenile Garganey on the center of the Island. As we had half a dozen of Bullfinches until 10 pm we still had a lot of time so we stopped on the field where I found together whit Camille van den Berg a flock of 32 White rumped Sandpipers.Whit thye flock stil there we had a incoming Semipalmated Sandpiper as a extra suprise . Still time for a fast jump to Seyte Cidades to search the Blackpoll Wwarbler found by Dominic the day before. After a while scanning the trees we spread out over the forrest whithout finding the bird but one of the members of the group spotted the Warbler on the last daylight so we al got a good look and some lousy pictures. This morning after dropping the group on the plane to Flores I decide to have another try to get some better pictures and two hours whit Jean Marie la Fontaine in the rain got the so wished result. Whit the first sun the bird showd briefly just enough to get some pics and than disapeared again.

But the day was not over jet. My girlfriend asked me to pick her up on Mosteiros beach after a walk whit the baby. Doing some shooting training on a Gull in louzy light conditions I saw something coming in on high speed flying straight to the Mosteiros Islets. I inmediatly reconize it as a Peregrine Falcon. Not bad for a day wich I had planned to cross whithout birding.

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