segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

Santa Maria whit Belted Kingfisher, Great Egret and Pink-footed Goose

Januarie means traveling between the Islands to prepare the walking trails for the coming season. As Corvo, whit 2 new trails, did not alow us go there because weather condition I choose Santa Maria as first destination.
The weather was terrible and after working on the first day we got stocked in town whit a broken carr and heavy rainfall. I decide to have a try on the harbour and during 10 minutes whithout rain I could get a louzy record pic on 1600 ISO from the extemly nervous Kingfisher discoverd by Alan Vittery earlyer this winter.
Happy whit the finding of a new Azores especie I tryed next day to get a better picture but the Kingfisher was hiding out in the bambu. While watching to a Spotted sandpiper 2 Little and one Great Egret flyed over and stopped on a distante rock. In 2008 I found a Great Egret and a Common  Kingfisher on this spot. Both first for the Azores. Great Egret is far most rare than the Geat American Egret.
Next day I dropped my friends Telmo Pacheco and Rodrigo Borba on the beginning of the Pico Alto trail and before starting to work on another trail in Santa Barbara I passed by a field north of the airport to try get a picture of two Pink footed Goose wich I have seen flying up on big distance the day before. It was hard to aproach behind the stone walls in the mud but I cam close enough to get a reasonable record shot. Together whit the 4 Dotterels, 1 Lesser Yellow legg and a Bar tailed Godwitt it was not a bad trip at all.

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