segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

Corvo. Great Blue and Night Heron, Blue winged Teal and Bar tailed Godwit

Like all Azores birders my hart was banging faster whit the idear of flying to Corvo. Not the best time of the year but stil good changes to find some nice birds. Even whithout birds Corvo is a great Island to go. Nice landscape and great people.

It never happened to me before but while the plane was coming in from the west I thought that I could see from my seat a Geat Blue Heron standing on the rocks in front of the beach. A quick lunch on the village before I run around the airfield and in a forgotten corner the bird was indeed standing there. Lucky for me it was a  verry relaxed bird and I could aproach easely.


A quite walk by the lower fields did not bring anything new and I was preparing to go to the Hotel but a nice suprise was just flying over me. Black crowned Night Heron to fast to picture. Whit a fast beating hart I searched on old Harbour and there it was siting in the last sunlight of the day.

Two hard days of work on the foggy and rainy Caldeirao did not make birding easy and only some Mallards and a Blue winged teal was the poor result. A complete day spended on the eastern Valleys also did not bring anything so I thought this should be the end. Next morning I still had a look on the fields up of the village where Kathy and Renee had seen the 2 Comon Cranes but no birds there.
Time to check in but still time for a quick look behind the windmills. Between a dozen of Turnstones I still had a Bar tailed Godwit waiting for me. All by all a nice trip to Corvo

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